Monday, February 25, 2008

REALLY Heavy Metal

By choice, I shoot very little work for artists, because there's usually just too much baggage attached.

It's usually the I don't know what I want but I 'll know it when I see it! syndrome along with You want HOW MUCH to photograph my artwork?

But today was different.

Back in the dark ages of the early 1970's, I knew Scott Cawood casually at our small high school. Then, we went about 30-couple of years without any contact.

We hooked up last year via our mutual client, Metropolitan Choppers. This will give you an idea of the kind of stuff Scott is into these days, among other things.

He does a lot of other extremely unique things too, and you can see them on his web site.

Scott would be the first to tell you that he had no real inclination towards art while a student, but after doing some time in the Coast Guard and then working for a company that produced exhibition mounting fixtures for museums, he just knew he had to do it.

And do it he does.

We shot two of his latest projects; both completely hand fabricated custom motorcycle gasoline tank motifs. These things just knock you over with their awesomeness!

Scott said he has a bunch of other ideas in mind for more of these unique sculptures, and I can't wait to see them. He's a really good guy and and as far as I'm concerned his mind is just up there on the astral plane when it comes to creating things that fulfill his vision.

Bear in mind that Scott starts out with scrap metal.

Here are a few of the photos:

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

About Photography No. 2

... I love photography, not cameras. I love my teeth to be clean, but have no particular affection for my toothbrush.
- Tommy Ga-Ken Wan

This guy's got it going on, and his great work is here.